# Overview
# What is a check?
A check is an algorithm designed to spot and patch different aspects of cheating.
Unique in purpose and structure, each check covers a large part of the spectrum, seeking high accuracy and minimal impact on normal gameplay.
# What checks are there?
In total, Intave has 11 checks:
- AttackRaytrace Reach and hitbox cheats
- BreakSpeedLimiter Fastbreak cheats
- ClickPatterns Click automation
- ClickSpeedLimiter Click limitation
- Heuristics Combat automation
- InteractionRaytrace Interaction-based cheats
- InventoryClickAnalysis Inventory-related cheats
- Physics Movement related cheats
- PlacementAnalysis Placement automation
- ProtocolScanner Various protocol inconsistencies
- Timer Game speed changes
Combined, they form a robust cheat defense and detection.